Playing sports is great for the body and mind, but it can also be a potential hazard to your child’s smile. Contact sports are especially dangerous to teeth that can be broken or dislodged with impact. Fortunately, there is a way to let your child enjoy the sports they love while still protecting their teeth. An athletic mouthguard is designed to withstand blunt trauma to the mouth and cushion the precious teeth inside.
Does My Sport Need a Mouthguard?
If you watch football, hockey or any other contact sport, you will see athletes wearing a mouthguard. It may even be required that you get your child a mouthguard for these sports as part of the equipment list. However, there are many other sports that can involve mouth injuries during play, such as soccer, basketball, lacrosse and even softball. The risk becomes even higher when children are just learning to play and they may not be as agile and coordinated yet.
Teeth are not meant to handle the hard impact that can happen during athletics. They can easily crack, break or dislodge when left unprotected. A mouthguard puts a layer of protection around the teeth, absorbing the impact to the jaw area and minimizing damage to the teeth and tongue. Studies even show that a mouthguard can even help prevent youth concussions!
Custom Vs. Store-Bought Sports Mouthguards
When it comes to protecting your teeth from damage during sports, you want to ensure you have a device that is durable, comfortable and well-fitted to your mouth. This improves the comfort and effectiveness of this oral appliance. If a mouthguard does not fit right or is uncomfortable, it may not be protecting the way that it should.
This is the difference between an over-the-counter mouthguard that is a one-size-fits-all model versus a customized dental mouthguard that is made just for you or your child. Store-bought mouthguards fail to fit over every crevice and groove. You child may frequently take out the device during play or “play with it” inside their mouth. A custom mouthguard, however, should fit so well that your child can breathe and speak easily while wearing it.
Don’t let your or your child’s smile be put at risk due to trauma from playing sports. Come see us at The Pediatric Dental Team for a customized athletic mouthguard that will protect the teeth, saving you from pain, tooth loss and expensive dental treatments. Call us today to schedule your appointment to be fitted for a new mouthguard before the next season starts.
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